Week 4 – Still Life

The found object was a task we were set in which we had to make an original image using pre-existing objects. I worked with Kieron Bloodworth during one of our seminars and together we collected some items that we found in our photography room that none of us owned and put them together to make an original image. We decided to use similar objects in all the images we took as we wanted to create a theme. The flowers are the main part of the film and they feature in every image. While we were doing this task we decided to play with lighting. We decided to use a pink background that to an extent matched with the flowers while contrasting with the glass.



As we were playing with lighting while doing this task we decided to increase the exposure in the image. This left us with a brighter image which exposed the carpel and it highlighted the colours of the flowers. However, both me and Kieron agreed that the image was a little over-exposed and slightly blurry.


This is the final image we too and we were both very happy with it. We kept one of the flowers and took out the glass and added a sauce gun that the flower wrapped around. I feel that the photo has great lighting and good focus. The positioning of the pre-existing objects is great as it fills the frame well. I decided to keep the pink background again as the sauce gun meant that the whole picture was predominantly pink which I decided made the image complete.


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